Happy Bearsday - 3 years of 3Bears

Happy Bearsday - 3 Jahre 3Bears

Once upon a time, two brave people decided to enchant the whole of Germany with a fabulous breakfast meal. These two young people were our two founders, Caroline and Tim. Unbelievable but true, yesterday we celebrated our 3rd birthday - time for a quick look back.

Caroline and Tim not only got to know and love each other, but also porridge in England. Our German-English founding couple discovered many porridge products in the supermarket, but they were always full of industrial sugar and other additives. So they quickly started mixing their own varieties from wholegrain oatmeal and fruit. When they visited Caroline's Bavarian home they were so well received that after extensive research they decided to found 3Bears in 2015.

A lot has happened since then: in 2017, two lions took a bite on the TV show “The Lions' Den” with Judith Williams and Frank Thelen. We are now able to sell our 3Bears porridge in many supermarkets throughout Germany, our 3Bears office has recently started to look like a real bear cave, our team has grown to over 15 bears and our fairytale range is also continually growing. Fruity coconut, cinnamon apple, three kinds of berries, poppy bananahearty classic - there is something for every taste. And psssst...in just a few days we'll have a huge addition with a new, delicious variety!

We are incredibly proud and overwhelmed by what has emerged over the last few years from the desire to sell just the right porridge. 3Bears looks forward to more birthdays with you!

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1 comment

Kathrin Zylius

Ich habe 3 bears bei unserem Städtetrip nach Hamburg kennen und lieben gelernt.
Ich war sofort schick verliebt. Am liebsten mag ich Zimtiger Apfel obwohl ich sonst eher so eine Schoko Süchtige bin.
Hab mir sofort das große Set und die Schale bestellt.
Euere Bärin und Leckermäulchen Kathy.

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