Süßer Porridge

The Bavarian Apple Strudel Porridge - Our recipe for the World Porridge Championships

Bayrisches Apfelstrudel Porridge Weltmeisterschaft

Carrbridge, Scotland.

In keeping with World Porridge Day on October 10th, the entire 3Bears team was in Scotland to take part in the Porridge World Championship, where our founder Caroline masterfully cooked up her favourite recipe: a wonderfully fragrant apple strudel porridge with fresh, homemade vanilla sauce.

Now we don't want to withhold our recipe from you and present you the Bavarian classic. Crunchy roasted almonds, fruity apple, fragrant cinnamon and a vanilla sauce to melt away. But just try it yourself...

By the way, you can find this recipe and many others in our brand new 3Bears recipe book!

For 2 people | Preparation time: 15 minutes

For the vanilla sauce:

2 vanilla beans
200ml milk
50g cream
3 egg yolks
1 pinch of salt
40g brown sugar

For the porridge:

1 tbsp butter
100g sliced ​​almonds
1 apple
150ml apple juice
100g 3Bears Porridge Cinnamon Apple
300ml milk


  1. For the sauce, cut the vanilla pods lengthwise and scrape out the pulp. Bring both to the boil in a pot with milk and cream, then set aside and let it steep.
  2. For the porridge, melt the butter and fry the almonds in it until brown. Remove half of it and set aside. Leave the other half in the pot.
  3. Wash the apple, halve it, core it and dice half into small pieces. Cut the other half into thin slices for decoration. Add apple cubes and apple juice to the pot with the almonds. Heat everything and simmer uncovered over low heat for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Pour the slightly cooled vanilla milk through a sieve. Mix the egg yolks with 3 tablespoons of vanilla milk and salt with a whisk until smooth. Heat the remaining vanilla milk with sugar. Stir in the egg yolks and stir over medium heat until the sauce has thickened.
  5. Meanwhile, add the porridge to the apple and almond mixture and cook for 3 minutes. Divide the porridge between two bowls and pour the sauce over it. Serve decorated with remaining almonds and apple slices.


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