BackenGranola selber machen - bewusst durch den Herbst

Make your own Granola

Finding a delicious granola without sugar is not that easy. Luckily, with our porridge you can easily make your own granola. With this basic granola recipe you have the perfect basis and can try ou...

BackenHafer-Apple Crumble - ready für den Herbst

Oat Apple Crumble - Ready for Autumn

We are ready for Autumn and with this tasty oat apple crumble recipe we are ready for cold days and autumn soul food. While baking, the scent of apple and cinnamon wafts out of the oven - you can't...

BackenSaftiger Zitronenkuchen mit Kokos und Hafer-Crumble

Juicy Lemon Cake with Coconut and Oat Crumble

A fluffy, moist lemon cake is perfect for a summer afternoon. This delicious lemon cake recipe is one of the many delicious recipes that you will find in Caro's new cookbook "Oats - simply good."

BackenApfel-Beeren-Muffins für Kids

Apple Berry Muffins for Kids

The nutritious apple and berry muffins are the perfect snack for little adventurers. Of course, for the kids we pay particular attention to ensuring that it contains lots of valuable nutrients.

BackenSchokokuchen zum Geburtstag

Chocolate cake for your birthday

A birthday without birthday cake? No way! For our 5th birthday there is a very special cake recipe for you.

BackenBaked Oats - Peanutbutter & Chocolate

Baked Oats - Peanut Butter & Chocolate

Do you like raw cookie dough? Same here! The Peanut Butter Chocolate Baked Oats taste like a spoonful of cookie dough!